Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lock(er)ed and Loaded

Philip and Jan, two incredibly OC individuals, love wearing slippers in the office to relieve their tired feet as harassed bank tellers working a 10-hour shift do.

At any given day, we could see Philip's red rubber shoes stowed away haphazardly either under the leather couch or in the pantry and him padding around in his cozy, plaid bedroom slippers. Jan, on the other hand, keeps his shoes hidden somewhere so secret, he has trouble remembering where they are.

In other news, there is good reason why my bags are so ginormous --- I stash my office stuff in it and ferry it back and forth endlessly all because I don't have anywhere safe in the office to leave them at.

Good news for us all then, that Progress has already delivered our two 24-door metal lockers!

It would be a twin-sharing affair for everyone else except for the testers, June, and I. Chez, Hapie, and Bash --- the inseparable three--- will share a cubbyhole, June wins one to himself due to seniority, and I need my own for my drug stash and other nursing things (First Aid Kit).

Here are the locker assignments. You'd know it's yours coz it is labeled with your name in these pictures, although in real life, only a sticker of you and your partner's mangatars are on it. 

Everyone is free to move in as soon as they have their own locks and keys! :)

Happy locking!

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