Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Themed Fridays: TV/Movie Character

Oscar Wilde once said, in so many words, that if he would sometimes be a little overdressed, he makes up for it by being immensely over-educated.

Well, I dunno about Mr. Wilde but, being under-dressed AND over-educated would seem to me like a more potent combination. That is why here in our office, as readers of this blog and insiders alike know, we do tend to dress down a lot - to mask the brilliance within. (What? There's bound to be more impact on someone upon knowing that they totally got us wrong.)

People who judge books and people by their external attributes would, understandably, perceive the Ingen kids as deviant miscreants by virtue of looks alone. None could blame them, though. People always assume that with the typical "programmer look" of scruffy goatees, mohawk-punk-rocker hairstyles, a general disheveled aura, and deep, tired, eyebags common to everyone in the team, everybody would either be pegged as a druggie or a misfit. They would never think that that kid who wears his backpack front to back is actually the magna cum laude of his graduating batch. Or that kid who looks like a 12 year old Chinese sleepyhead is actually a cum laude. That kid who walks around with his long hair ponytailed down his back is actually a genius programmer, and that one with the scruffy facial and chest hair is a ninja at Python/Django.

That is why we don't really take that "the clothes make the man" saying seriously.

But while we consider dressing up too mainstream, sometimes we do it just for shits and giggles.

Last Friday, we had our monthly Themed Fridays. The theme was super fun; everyone really went all out and "dressed up" as nerdy as their little cool, calculating weirdo hearts could muster.

It is with great pride that I present to you the TV/Movie Characters of Team Ingenuity! Box office!

**All photos of TV/Movie characters are not owned by Ingenuity and were sourced from Google.**
**Credits to the image owners. No copyright infringement intended.**

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