Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Internship: Week Two

It's week two of the internship at Ingenuity! We're mostly left on our own now. We did have two lectures at the start of the week: one on Version Control and another on Agile Methodology. After that, it was all us, just working on our project. We had our first stand-up meeting.

Oh, and our mentor. The interns are divided into groups with a mentor assigned to them to help them along. My group's mentor is usually available online when we need him—as compared to the other groups who have them in person. I wouldn't mind except for one thing: we can't get online! The internet connection has been spotty the last few days. I despair over the internet connection. /o\

Still, we can usually ask the friendly people in the office for help so it isn't all bad. We've just been delayed because we can't get online resources. It does get frustrating though, knowing that there's probably an easy solution online somewhere and you can't access it.

The workplace does help. It's calming and there's air conditioning. Hurray for cool temperatures! It's a change getting used to the work environment, but not a bad one. I'm not used to the cold so I keep wearing a jacket. I'm also eyeing the Ping Pong tables here. I want to play a game sometime. When I get some decent progress on my project, I'm possibly going to take some time off to play ping-pong. I DESERVE IT.

Not to mention the fact that I keep getting zapped by static electricity! Probably because of my jacket. I'm cautious about opening doors now. Tip: press your knuckle to the door handle first instead of your fingertips. Your knuckles are much less sensitive so even if you do get jolted, you probably won't feel it. It was annoying until I found that out, probably got jolted two dozen times this week.

There's also a water dispenser right behind me. I don't think I've ever drunk so much water at a constant basis. Might be because of the cold that I'm drinking more often (cold dehydrates you because the air is usually dryer) but it doesn't actually make you thirsty (something about fluid levels and vasoconstriction) so it's probably just me. I dunno, but at least I'll always be hydrated.

Though if there's one thing I can complain about, it's the chairs. They look cool and they ARE nice, but they get uncomfortable when you sit in them too long. And since most of my time is spent sitting, it becomes a problem. By the end of the week, I've gotten used to standing up and randomly doing stretches. Luckily enough, there are some nicer chairs in the office. I've got my eye on one of those swivel chairs....

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