Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Unseen Ninjas

The third week of internship is welcomed with the Themed Mondays. Prior to that day, we were informed that the theme was going to be POP CULTURE ICON. Over the weekend, we made ourselves busy by planning on what to prepare.

Masks were all around since that is the lightest thing to carry. To participate, my co-interns and I decided to wear Jabbawockeez Masks. Some of us continued wearing those masks while working. Having those kinds of activities is a simple, yet a cool way to break away from the strains brought by the project development.

JabbaGeorgi :)
The day had been full of surprises. Before it was ended, we were introduced to telecommute. Telecommute is a working paradigm that allow us to work remotely. We are aware that it is a window of opportunity to suspend working with the project; however, we are also mindful to our commitments and responsibilities.

We were allowed to work outside the office from Tuesday to Thursday, and were required to report on Friday for the presentation of the updates of the project. To keep track and to ensure that we were working with the project, we were required to be online on Skype.

Telecommute is what I really need for that week since I’m not feeling well. With this, it allowed me to work with our project comfortably. This also made the working process faster since we found our own ways to have access on some of the online resources.

When we reported to the office and presented the updates, we welcomed all the insights and reactions from everybody. From those constructive criticisms, we learned a lot of things that can help us to improve our projects.

As a conclusion, third week taught us not only to develop our programming and web development skills, but also to develop the attitude to become good programmers and web developers. Telecommute demands nothing but responsibility in the commitment you are committed with. As what Ma’am Ghea had posted “…It [Telecommute] takes a certain amount of self-discipline and an enormous bucket of professionalism…”.

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