Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Perks of Being an Intern

I've recently watched a movie entitled "Her", and boy, the movie is really good! I'm not only saying this as a serious movie geek but also as a programmer. The world created in the movie is very impressive: hyper-intelligent OS, voice-activated computers, hologram video games and a lot more. Right now with the fast paced improvement of technology, it's safe to assume that we're reaching this soon. I guess that's the reason why I am pursuing my degree in Computer Science.

However, honestly, it's been quite tough facing codes for many months. Although I have passed my bloody major subjects, I can't confidently say that I'm ready for this kind of career. In fact, I did get scared during my first days here in Ingenuity. Having heard that this is one of the top software engineering companies in the city, I didn't know what I can bring.

In the first week, we were taught of the semantics and syntax of Python and Django. Surprisingly, I fell in love with them in such a short time, kudos to our smart and hard working instructors. For many days, I and the programming languages were in good relationship, that is, until our exercise came. Oh, thy feeling of betrayal! 

We spent a lot of time researching the solutions to our problem. I have to admit though, the Internet speed is over 9000. (To future interns and workers, you have this to look forward to. ;) )  However, Google is not enough to solve our problems. Sometimes, we would even ask our working alumni to get answers. Oh don't mistake us, we didn't come crashing to their working hours (or did we? hehe). They were so kind to insist that we should ask them questions when we need to (Thanks ates and kuyas!). Anyway, we survived the whole thing, thank God. We did earn a lot of battle scars and we're definitely proud of it. But that was just a taste of what's coming. Here comes the real deal!

In our project, all of us eight interns were grouped to build a web application. One thing that I like about our team is that there's a genuine sense of cooperation. Whenever one gets behind, other members are willing to offer assistance. What a good way to get to know each other and build acquaintances! Another thing that I liked about this whole thing is that we're finally getting the feel of what it's like in work. It's nice to be away from the classrooms and do something that is really based on our future career. This means that we don't have to serve coffees, staple papers and do something that is way way too far from our field. After all, that's what internship should be.

Now that we're nearing the completion of our required hours, we're all doing one thing: CRAM. Oh no, we haven't finished our project yet. However, we won't be defeated. We're currently doing our best, confident we'll meet our project's deadline.

This whole experience feels like a day's end at work except now is different. I pack my things and exit the office. As I reach the highway and wait for the right jeepney to ride, many questions and doubts occupy my mind. Will I be a good programmer? Will I be an important asset of a company? Will I affect the world through my programs? I certainly don't know but one thing's for sure, I am ready to face these challenges. Thanks Ingenuity.


  1. If you understand the Programming languages it can give wings to your dreams! Loved your post


  2. Sắc mặt Tôn Đại Trụ thay đổi bất định, sau đó đột nhiên nhíu mày nói:

    - Vương Lâm. Xem ra đồ nhi đối với vi sư có chút hiểu lầm, chén trà này ngươi cho rằng có gì khác thường sao? Được. Ta uống.

    Tôn Đại Trụ cầm lấy chén trà ở trên không, liếc mắt nhìn Vương Lâm sau

    đó đỡ lấy, lão uống cạn chén trà rồi ném xuống đất, bất mãn nói:

    - Được rồi. Chưởng môn sư bá tìm ta có chuyện để bà trung tâm kế toán tại quảng ninh, trung tâm kế toán tại hải dương, trung tâm kế toán tại bắc giang, trung tâm kế toán tại bắc ninh, trung tâm kế toán tại hải phòng, trung tâm kế toán tại nam định, trung tâm kế toán tại thái bình, trung tâm kế toán tại thanh hóa, trung tâm kế toán tại vĩnh phúc, trung tâm kế toán tại hưng yên, trung tâm kế toán tại phú thọ, trung tâm kế toán tại bình dương, trung tâm kế toán tại nghệ an, trung tâm kế toán tại vũng tàu, trung tâm kế toán tại đồng nai, trung tâm kế toán tại tphcm,

    lão uống xong chén trà, Vương Lâm lập tức chú ý tới xem đối phương đã

    chính thức uống chưa, hay là dùng linh lực ở trong cơ thể bao lấy nước


    Sau một vỗ lại, linh lực của Tôn Đại Trụ lập tức phân tán, nước trà lộ ra, nhanh ch phân bố trong cơ thể Tôn Đại Trụ.

    Sắc mặt Tôn Đại Trụ xám như tro, hơi có vẻ tức giận, nghiêm nghị nói:
