Thursday, June 5, 2014

Be a Stress Free Programmer

Haggard faces in programming not allowed! Be stress-free! Be a happy programmer, enjoy your job, be paid higher, take a vacation, live a luxurious life! Enjoy the life of being a software developer. Here's how:

Do the simple bits first
As a programmer you know well that your task is vital. So to lessen your stress you should be specific or straight-forward when you write functions and make each code as simple as possible. Know your priorities, what should be done first and what should be done last. Start your programming with a simplest code needed to avoid stress. And always remember no matter how difficult each task may be stay optimistic!

Divide your work
Try to divide your work into chunks you can complete in a day. Try to build and test some sort of subsystem by the end of a week, and so on because this could provide you benefits in reducing stress. Since this can let you free your mind from clutching onto part-finished work and get a physical sense of release when you’ve finished and tidied a piece of work.
Communicate and share the workload
In the real world, the vast majority of programming is done in teams. This approach naturally implies good communication between team members. Working close together, frequent social and business meetings, a common "house style" for code, comments and documentation all help. Another good thing is to develop a "review culture". If everyone in the team helps to review everyone else's work (and takes it seriously...) it not only helps to catch potential problems and deviations from the house style, but also helps everyone get up to speed on all parts of the project. (Carver, F.)

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